Happy New Year!
I just got back from a fun-filled ski holiday (in NC, don't get too jealous, now.) with the family. I brought along the Moebius Stole as my airplane/evening project but finished knitting way too early and ended up having to read Agatha Christie novels to pass the evenings--I got through 5 of them. My mother tells me that in China, when she was younger, to avoid getting felted/stiff sweaters from washing, they would take apart the sweaters and re-knit them every year. This might just be one of those "5 miles in the snow uphill both ways" stories, but she seemed serious enough. And added that they obviously were never short of things to do. I suppose that's why she don't need no stinkin' cable needle to knit cables.
In other news, my new year's resolution is to try to keep my number of WIPs under 10. Of course, I also just started knitting Vegan Fox with my new Denise needles. He he he, just in time. Pictures forthcoming...